Title : Holyday Celebration

Theme : Drunkard's Path

Artist : Satomi Juge

Size : H 66"(166cm) W 66"(166cm)

Artist's Statement : I imagined this quilt to represent five Japanese seasonal days:Jinjitsu (Jan.1), Joushi (Mar.3rd), Tango (May 5th), Tanabata (July 7th), and Chouyo (Sept. 9th)

Technique : machine pieced, hand applique, hand quilted

Material : cotton, silk, new cotton, silk (hand-dyed), cotton (hand-dyed), lace, beads

Award/Publication/Exhibition :
⋅ 2011 TOKYO International Great Quilt Festival Traditional Quilt Category Selected pp.67
⋅ New Zephyrs Quilt Exhibition (Tokyo, Kyoto)


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