Title : Moonlight Serenade

Theme : Kaleidoscope

Artist : Kayoko Watanabe

Size : 78"X66"

Artist's Statement : I put kaleidoscope-shaped flower stars on a background representing a winter sky with moonlight. I aimed for a quiet atmosphere in this quilt.

Technique : machine pieced, hand quilted

Material : cotton,silk

Award/Publication/Exhibition :
⋅ 2012 Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival Traditional Quilt Category Selected pp.61
⋅ 29th annual AQS QuiltWeek Paducah Semifinalists QuiltWeek Paducah, Kentuchky 2013, P.26 Large Wall Quilts-Hand Quilted.
⋅ New Zephyrs Quilt Exhibition (Tokyo, Kyoto)


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