Title : Comet

Theme : Right Isosceles Triangle

Artist : Noriko Misawa

Size : H 64"(160cm) W 80"(200cm)

Artist's Statement : A symmetrical quilt.  I was challenged to make this quilt have a three-dimensional image.

Technique : machine pieced,hand quilted

Material : cotton,Tahi silk,silk(aizome,kusakizome)

Award/Publication/Exhibition :
⋅ 2004 The Festival Of Quilts(U.K.)
⋅ 2003 Four Season Exhibition
⋅ 2003 World Quilt Carnival Nagoya Japan(invitation)
⋅ 2001 Brother Exhibition
⋅ New Zephyrs Quilt Exhibition (Tokyo, Kyoto, Matsumoto)



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      Life II Life Aquamarine Vertical Strata


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    My Diamond Flow of Time