Title : The Green Colored Zephyr

Theme : Seminole System

Artist : Masae Harata

Size : H 56"(140cm) W 86"(214cm)

Artist's Statement : Have you seen The Green Colored Zephyr? It blows kindly from the sky and the earth. You will feel peace.

Technique : machine pieced, hand applique, machine quilted

Material : new cotton

Award/Publication/Exhibition :
⋅ 2009 IQA Show Chicago & Long Beach Specail Exhibits Quilts : A World of Beauty 2008.
⋅ Third Place at IQA Art-Abstract Large, Quilts A World of Beauty The 2008 fall Judged Show of the International Quilt Association
⋅ New Zephyrs Quilt Exhibition (Tokyo, Kyoto, Matsumoto)



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